Abstract and Title Opinion
In order to insure that the seller has good title to the property being sold, an abstract of title is prepared from the records of the county where the real estate is located. The abstract covers not only the time during which the current owner has held title, but prior matters as well. Our firm then examines the abstract and reports on all liens, encumbrances, covenants, easements, right-of-ways, and other matters which affect the buyer's ownership and enjoyment of the real estate. Most lenders will require that the abstract be continued and title opinion rendered before they will make a loan.

Professional Associations
Our companies are members of the American and Iowa Land Title Associations, and Participants in Iowa Title Guaranty. Both have complete title plants from date of inception, and have been inspected in accordance with the guidelines of the Iowa Land Title Association.

Title Guaranty and Closings
If you are obtaining a loan which will be sold on the secondary market, your lender may require that the loan be covered by a Title Guaranty Certificate. Title Guaranty is available to both Owners and Lenders. Title Guaranty protects against possible defects of title, some of which may not be apparent from a search of the public records in the courthouse. Title Guaranty can be obtained through your participating abstractor at the time of closing.